Grocery sustainability metrics have the potential to redefine the role of food packaging

It’s nearly a decade ago that the familiar ‘traffic light’ labelling system started appearing on supermarket items signalling key health metrics around calories, sugar, salt and fat content. Fast-forward to now, and a similar emphasis is emerging in the grocery industry around the signalling of environmental sustainability data for food items.

Is the economy threatening packaging sustainability?

shopping trolley receipt

Consumers and businesses alike are in the middle of a storm of economic challenges with spiralling energy costs, increasing business production costs, weakened consumer spending and soaring inflation all taking their toll. This economic backdrop raises key questions for sustainable practices in the food & packaging industry and the broader consumer mindset. Will more environmentally […]

Production-led innovation sparks opportunities for fresh produce packaging

The food packaging industry is a rapidly evolving landscape of continuous product innovation and sustainable technology. However, sometimes innovations at the point of food production itself can, in turn, spur innovation further up the supply-chain. Similarly, new technologies in fresh produce production and preservation can open new possibilities for existing packaging technology.

Is COP26 doomed to fail? Or has it already succeeded?

The upcoming COP26 summit in Glasgow has gathered a huge amount of media attention with this year’s event seen as vital for the fight against climate change. Countries will be announcing the measures they’ve taken (following the commitments of 2015’s Paris Agreement) as well as presenting clear and ambitious targets for reducing emissions over the […]

Managing resources sustainably is key to cutting UK greenhouse gases

shot of trees from ground

With much of the debate ahead of the COP26 focused on the energy agenda and how to decarbonise energy supply and reduce demand, the authors of a new report Net Zero: why resource efficiency holds the answers warn that focusing exclusively on energy is only half of the solution to tackling climate change associated with […]